Day 71 - Reading Quiz

Today in WHAP we took our first Reading Quiz of the Semester.

First, we started off with three minute of review. Three minutes of review. Three minutes of review. Then, Mr. Profitt started talking about some of the terms, and inadvertently gave away the HTS because when Will Florer suggested "Chosen Woman" Mr. Profitt shied away from it and asked for another one. Good deductions class.

We then took the quiz, and I felt pretty well prepared, hopefully this leads to a solid start of the semester.

Something I noticed when doing some pondering was that since some people will be receiving bonus quiz points from the reflection we had, there is a very good chance that we get that communal +1 point on our Reading quizzes. Kinda wish I would have thought of that fact earlier so I would have written a longer reflection, but oh well.

Don't forget to do the HW over the weekend and be prepared for the clicker quiz over the assignment on Tuesday.

Until Tuesday!


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