Day 69 - Return of the Clicker Quiz

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz and continued the lecture from yesterday.

We started off with our first clicker quiz of the semester, then moved into the lecture. the beginning of the lecture was about the fall of the Mongols and how before this fall, they destroyed the Abbasid Caliphate, but the real meat of the lecture started off with us going over the defeat of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire, hence the song Istanbul not Constantinople, as on any map it says Istanbul and not Constantinople.

We then moved into the Safavid Empire, which was composed of Shiite Muslims and was a "gunpowder" empire as gunpowder was used in combat, all located in Persia. The next empire was the Mughal Empire, which took over after Tamerlane's empire collapsed and was based in India.

Then, we moved into discussion sparked by Asher's questions about why the Sunni didn't destroy the Shia, to which Mr. Profitt countered with why doesn't the US destroy North Korea, even though we can. The answer he proposed was all the side effects that you really don't want to deal with that would happen as a result of whatever action you committed.

After this, we talked about the Sand Roads and their influence. They helped with the Muslim synthesis we talked about yesterday, but also helped spread resources such as salt and gold. We finished class up today by looking at  some of the margin review question answers on the prezi, which I'd recommend looking at for Friday, and then Mr. Profitt showed us a comparison of Columbus' ship to Zheng He's ships, similar to the image in the CC. There's a pretty big difference.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Don't forget to do the reflection!

Until Tomorrow!


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