Day 40 - Halloween

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz and took some notes.

We started class off in our table teams, doing something we haven't done in a while, reviewing for a clicker quiz. WE took the quiz, and I'm pretty sure we got that bonus so everyone got a 100.  After this we composed a mental map.

The map composed of AfroEurasia, and we were depicting the various trade routes throughout the region. The three main types of trade were the silk road, sea roads, and sand roads. The sand roads were primarily in NW Africa, while the water roads were on the SE area of Eurasia. The Silk road was in the middle of Eurasia.

After this we moved on to four big ideas, or things to take away from the class if we remember nothing else. They were:

1. Routes involve both land and water
2. Routes were organic and cooperative
3. Many different Contributors
4. People involved in the route had fluctuating power due to their ability to control parts of the network

After going over these, we took some notes on "What makes trade tick"

Basically, luxury items were needed to sell because there high price made up for the expensive import prices, and being able to carry more of a certain good was important as well to improve profits. Animals, like camels, are good for transportation and help to raise revenue as well.

We ended class with a fact on the Colosseum, in which it apparently used to be filled with water so that mock naval battles could be fought in it, and then when the water was drained it was used for gladiator fights. Later on, towards the downfall of the empire, it was used as a grazing area for goats.

Anyways, with that the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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