Day 37 - Spotted

Today in WHAP we reviewed for our LEQ.

First, we got in our table teams and brainstormed for questions to ask Mr. Profitt. The only one I recall being asked was a general description of the thesis statement. Essentially, put it at the end of your first paragraph and use it as your road map.

After this, we were gifted a prompt from Mr. Profitt, and as a table team we had one regarding the degree of difference/similarity between Buddhism and Christianity. Hopefully we get this tomorrow because that is something I personally, and I'm sure many others, could do very well on.

In our contextualization, we emphasized the two religious leaders of those separate faiths, Jesus and the Buddha, and we ended up declaring that they were more similar than different. We said this because they are similar in that they both were teachers, preaching among the people, and they both had their message spread after their death. They were different through there early life.

Anyway, after this the bell rang and we were dismissed. Now normally the blog ends at this point, but today there's a little extra material to be covered as Mr. Profitt stopped by the Doctor's classroom; a doctor of the Language Arts that is.

Mr. Profitt peering into the classroom

As my group was scurrying around preparing for our Question/Answer Quiz, I happened to look up at the door, and lo and behold; Mr. Profitt stood in the doorway. After stealthily creeping up on Dr. Degen, he asked if he could observe some of our discussion; he received an affirmative answer. He stuck around for roughly 10 minutes, just long enough to glimpse some of the splendid discussions we had, and then as quickly as he came; he vanished.

That's all for today, and good luck on the LEQ tomorrow!


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