Day 35 - Mastery Review

Today in WHAP we reviewed for the mastery exam.

First, we went over the agenda. Pretty simple, we have a mastery multiple choice exam on Tuesday as well as the LEQ on Thursday. WHAP Lunch is now on Wednesday instead of Thursday, so be aware of that.

We then went over a matching sheet, found in google classroom, which is a good "barometer" for seeing how well you need to study. We did these in table teams, and I found the first one to be pretty easy. I'd highly recommend using the second one as review for the test.

After this, Mr. Profitt gave us one of those trademark "Profitt Hints", threw us a metaphorical bone, and saved us for the MC Exam by saying that we needed to know what Satraps are, which are local government back in Persia, or a form of Bureaucracy. Related to this, the Persian "Pony Express" and "Spy Network" also relate and should be well known for the exam.

Pretty short entry today and probably for a few more days this week, as we'll just be reviewing and testing.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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