Day 34 - Reading Quiz

Today in WHAP we took our reading quiz over chapter six.

First, as we arrived to class, Mr. Donahue immediately set a timer for 15 minutes, and we jumped right into our table team review. We spent most of the time reviewing key terms, but after we finished with those we did margin review questions until the time ran out. Then we took the quiz.

Today's quiz wasn't too difficult in the grand scheme of quizzes, in my opinion. I think the quizzes are slowly becoming easier as crafting excellent SARs and HTS' becomes easier.

Short blog as usual on a quiz day, and looking forward to a FULL week of school next week. Just so you are informed, Ranger Day is an actual day of school, so if you want to stay home and play Minecraft (Silas), you'll have to bring your PC with you to school and play then.

We finished the quiz, and we were dismissed. Until Monday!


  1. Joke's on you - they will have a gaming station at Ranger Day that will have minecraft! Ha!

    1. I cannot think of a better way to enjoy learning about WHAP during Ranger Day. This truly is the age of technology in which teachers can utilize fun learning tools to engage students while teaching historically accurate life ways. Minecraft bridges WHAP studying and recreational entertainment to provide the "best of both worlds" one could say. Clearly Notch designed this magnificent platform, Minecraft, in order to help provide that historical education WHAP students never could have dreamed of before.


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