Day 32-Africa

Today in WHAP we went over our assignment for Thursday and then talked about Africa.

First, we practiced the assignment we have on Thursday. Mr. Profitt said to work diligently on it in class because it will indeed be a grade, although the reason I do assignments isn’t just for the grade but also for nourishment for my brain. Make sure to be caught up to Strayer by the time of class Thursday so you don’t slow your table down. Also, the hardest one in Mr. Profitt's opinion is the second option, the mediating argument. It's a yes and no answer, which is why it’s difficult.

After this, we started talking about Africa. Mr.  Profitt brought up a good question when he asked why when people talk about Asia, do you need them to specify the location, but Africa you never really asked for specifications and just group it all together. I mean it's true for most people, I'm certainly guilty of doing that st some point in time.

Moving on from this, we divided Africa into five different regions, to give us some points of reference on the maps we had. As we were finishing this, the bell rang and we were dismissed.

Until Thursday!


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