Day 29 - Ready for a Reading Quiz

Today in WHAP we finished the slides on Buddhism and did an in-class activity.

First, we started our notes on Buddhism where we left off on Tuesday, which was the background of the Buddha, or Siddartha Guatama. Long story short, he was wealthy and was being raised to be a king in "house arrest", locked in his home due to a prophecy, and when he left his house and saw the three men (old, sick, dying), he realized there was suffering in the world. He adopted an ascetic lifestyle for six years (Ex of Ascetic: Obi Juan living alone in the desert), and then eventually become the "Enlightened One" after glimpsing Nirvana.

He created the 4 Noble Truths, which are:

1. Ordinary life is full of suffering
2. This suffering is caused by our desire (selfishness, wants, vanity)
3. The way to end suffering is to end desire (detachment from our own ego desires)
4. The way to end desire is to follow the Middle Path, or more commonly known as the eight fold path.

Additionally, there are four main types of Buddhism (bolded are more important in the course) which are:

1. Mahayan
2. Theravada
3. Tibetan
4. Zen

In Mahavan Buddhism, the Buddha is a divine figure or deity, and is worshiped because of this. It's called the "Great Vehicle", and Bodhisattvas (wise beings) are essentially their version of saints, as they are considered spiritually advanced souls that prolong their entry into Nirvana to assist others.

Alternatively, Theravada Buddhism is the oldest school of Buddhism, and was a simplified and more acceptable version of Hinduism. The Buddha is considered a teacher but not a deity, and it's more about psychological development than a religion.

That concluded our notes, and then we did the activity comparing China and India, which is on Google Classroom.

*Today during WHAP lunch, Mr. Profitt mentioned how comparing China and Rome, especially in their ruling styles and how they kept order, would be important for the reading quiz tomorrow, so make sure to review that for the Reading Quiz.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!


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