Day 26 - Christianity Clicker Quiz

Today in WHAP we took another Clicker Quiz , this time over Christianity.

First, we got in our table teams as is the routine and went over the viewing guide. After that, Mr. Profitt answered some commonly asked questions in other classes, which was how Jesus was a product of his time. We spent some time on that question, and then we moved onto the quiz.

The quiz wasn't too difficult, and we did pretty did well. I'm hoping that a lot of people filled out those sheets so we can snag those bonus points.

Anyways, our HW for this weekend is to read Strayer, and to work ahead for the coming week. Remember we have shortened days Monday and Tuesday along with a half day on Wednesday for PSAT. I feel a tough week coming after that, a week which features a WHAP exam among other things. So get ahead while you have a light load this weekend.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Monday!


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