Day 24 - Different People, Different Beliefs

Today in WHAP we discussed Legalism, Confucianism, and Daosim.

First, in Confucianism, we reviewed some points made in past classes, which were how Confucius' deeds, much like Jesus', were written down after the fact by his disciples. The core teachings are to show respect while also trying to have your leaders be worthy of this respect. One of the downsides of Confucianism is that men are vastly superior to women. The way the respect generally works is that the young are subordinate to those older than them, and really that's the "Nutshell version" of Confucianism. A more detailed view shows how they all want to promote Junzi, or the formation of superior individuals to bring order to China.

Moving on from this, we talked about legalism, another familiar topic on this blog. In the "Nutshell version" of this, it's essentially doing something solely for reward or for fear of punishment. An example that Mr. Profitt gave was how students only do assignments in school so they don't get in trouble with their parents, or get into a good college, and so forth. Moving on from the "Nutshell version", a key figure in legalism was Han Feizi, who was an articulate supporter of Legalism. While he important in other ways, for our purposes know his name because if a quote of his is used as a stimulus then you know the question/stimulus is about legalism. A core teaching of legalism is Authoritarian principles, or one who favors the principle that individuals should obey a powerful authority rather than exercise individual freedom.

In the waning minutes of class, we covered Daoism. The founder was Laozi, and the belief in the "Nutshell version" was to essentially not do too much or you will mess up the flow. The text, Dao de Jing, has four principles. The first is "Dao is the first cause of the universe force that all life came from." The second is "A believer's goal is to become one with Dao or nature." The third is Wu wei...basically "Go with the Flow", don't mess anything up by doing too much. The fourth and final one is the statement "Man is unhappy because he is on earth."

After this short summary of Daosim, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!


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