Day 23 - Agenda Changes

Today in WHAP we discussed the axial age along with talking about some of the changes that we have this week.

First off, we went over the agenda. Due to the half day on Friday, the Chapter 4 Reading Quiz is now merged into the Chapter 5 reading quiz, creating a Super Reading Quiz in the following weeks. Also, throughout the rest of the week, our homework is really only to read Strayer and watch Crash Course for some clicker quizzes, so it's a pretty light week. Two week warning: We have a mastery exam in two weeks, the week with the I-Day, so just be prepared for that.

After this, we got into our table teams and discussed the Axial Age, coming up with one point to summarize or explain it. The most common was that religions/philosophies gained more followers, and new religious/philosophical ideas were born. As a class, Mr. Profitt drew up all the major religions/philosophies on the board as we named them, and then using that beginning knowledge we moved into a power point about the dynasties of China.

We reviewed the Mandate of Heaven, and how it was formed, material that has been in Strayer. Mr. Profitt also mentioned how the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shihuangadi, created the Qin dynasty by uniting the warring states, as he had the thought of "They won't unite by themselves, so I'll have to force them to unite." After his death, his son couldn't keep the states together because the first emperor had too many enemies, thus the Han Dynasty was created. The pattern of China's dynasties can be found on the slideshow on 10/3/2017.

Towards the end of class, Mr. Profitt started talking about the oracle bones that were used by Chinese emperors and priests. I thought it was an interesting, but gruesome, thing that they did. The key fact here is that they were the first type of writing in China, as runes were inscribed on the knuckles of the humans.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


  1. Not human bones per se. Mostly the Oracle bones were animal bones. Still gruesome. Just not quite as gruesome as doing it to human bones, although that may have happened at times.


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