Day 22 - LEQ Review and Axial Age

Today in WHAP we went over the agenda for the week and the class diverged separately from their.

First we went over the agenda, with notable points being the reading quiz on Friday and some crash course/strayer scattered like kernels in the wind.

After this, we had some discussion about revisions for the LEQ. Basically what I understood is that if you have a five or a six, revisions are futile and will not help you, which makes sense because with a five or a six you had a pretty good essay anyways. If you get a 4, then corrections barely help with a solid two points, and then for three and under corrections start becoming,in my opinion, worth your time. The reason I say for a four doing corrections isn't necessarily worth it is because you need a perfect essay to try and get those two points, then you aren't really guaranteed to get that score.

After talking about this, then we split up and people either chose to listen to Mr. P talk about LEQ revision help or they worked on a HTS argument for the Axial age. I chose the latter, and spent the rest of class working on that.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!


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