Day 9 - Quiz Advice

Today in WHAP we prepared for our reading quiz tomorrow.

First, Mr. Profitt emphasized how we should explain our answers, using CPA for each answer. He showed us some examples where people had received full credit from last weeks reading quiz. I would say that the CPA is the easy part of the response, and that being prepared for all the different questions would be the more difficult part. However, that is all in my own opinion.

After this, Mr. Profitt emphasized when picking a type of response, pick the easy one or the "low hanging fruit." Basically, if you don't know how to do causation arguments as well as comparison than do comparison. Stick with what you can do best.

Moving on from that, Mr. Profitt talked to us about giving an example and then explaining it to get the full credit from the question.

After all this I have an apology to make. Mr. Profitt, I've been spelling your name like "profit" for all my other days of my blogging, and was just informed that I was spelling it incorrectly. I hope we can move past this experience and that it won't effect the O-point award amount afterwards.

With that 25 minute shortened concluded, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!


  1. No O-points for blogs that mis-spell my name! ;-). I'm kidding. (Or am I.)


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