Day 7 - Things Up

Today in WHAP we listened to a nifty song about Mesopotamian kings, continued our civilizations PowerPoint, and then partially filled out a worksheet for a certain subdivision of S.P.I.C.E.

First, the song we listened to basically said the four major kings of Mesopotamia, in a song. What I found interesting about the song when I broke it down from a fundamental standpoint was how Gilgamesh was included after the other three kings, almost as an afterthought. I thought this was ironic because he's arguably the most famous/well known king of Mesopotamia (Look up the epic of Gilgamesh).

After that, we received our reading quizzes, and Mr. Profit talked about how we need to learn from our first reading quiz, and make sure to try and improve on our short answer responses. He mentioned how we definitely should NOT keep studying for quizzes/answering the question the same way, as that would be insanity, or continually doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Moving on from the reading quizzes, we continued our PowerPoint on civilizations. To summarize, we had been talking about the 4 items that signify that a civilization is present, but today in class we went over more of the civilization qualifiers, the high school level ones. The list then went up to 7, and quite frankly I expect it to get larger and more complex as we delve deeper into the mysteries of WHAP.

After reaching a slide about S.P.I.C.E. (Social, political, interaction, cultural, economic), we were assigned a topic based on our seat number(I got interaction), and then we had to find evidence/draw conclusions in the Code of Hammurabi which we read last night for homework. For homework this weekend we have 2 crash course videos and some reading.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Monday!


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