Day 6 - Clickers and Class Discussion

Today in WHAP we did some table teams activities, we took our clicker quiz, and then we had a neat discussion about civilizations.

First, as usual in our table teams, we created some question, and then voiced them to the class. This is pretty normal for a pre-quiz routine, but Mr.Profit's response to our question definetely made me think a little bit. We asked about John Greene's recurring analogy with the "clingy boyfriend" (Question #10 on the review), and Mr. Profit responded by asking me about my tie, and why I was wearing it. I responded that it was for the uniform, and that I was wearing it to comply with the policy. Then Mr. Profit responded that the reason why John Green was referencing the "clingy boyfriend' was because humanity wants to be close to others of their same race, and fear motivates us to seek out others, and form civilizations, cities, etc.

After a few more questions, we took the clicker quiz which wasn't too difficult. I won't go into any more detail in order to preserve academic integrity.

After the quiz, we started talking about civilizations. The key points of the discussion were the descripctions/requirements of a civilization. These points were the ability to sustain large populations, the ability to trade, the ability to build cities, and formal political states.

I intentionally left out the most important one, AGRICULTURE, because without this none of the other ones could have been possible, as without larger populations that agriculture facilitates, civilizations can't be created.

With that, the bell rang and we where dismissed. Until Tomorrow!

Jack Corrales


  1. Interesting! Did you break any questions down from a fundamental standpoint? In my daily blog (, my table team helped me do that. Great post!

    Go Cowboys


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