Day 5 - Reading Quiz

Today in WHAP, we did some last minute reviewing for the quiz, and then we took the greatly anticipated reading quiz.

For reviewing, we got in our table teams and broke some of the questions down from a fundamental standpoint, which was very helpful as it always is. Sometimes it can be nice to have a different perspective than your own if you find a certain question difficult, and that's why the table teams are so effective.

After voicing some of our questions to the class, we started our reading quiz. I personally was very nervous going into the quiz, but once I started the quiz and got rolling it really wasn't that difficult. i was able to finish the quiz a few minutes early so I was able to re-check over some of my short answers to make sure and stick in a few key words.

For homework tonight we get the privilege of watching my favorite TV show, Crash Course, and it's also recommended that we read some of the textbook pages. Class once again really revolved around the reading quiz today, but expect more juicy and thrilling content tomorrow once we begin more class discussions and slide shows.

After taking the quiz, we where about to talk about the answers to some of the multiple choice questions, but then

the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!


  1. Again, I like how you broke down the questions from a fundamental standpoint. I never thought to do that! Like you, I was nervous going into the quiz, but unlike you, I was rushing to finish! (read the full story at I will be expecting some more juicy and thrilling content tomorrow.

    Go Cowboys!


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