Day 4 - Quiz Prep

Today in WHAP we talked about the reading quiz we have tomorrow and practiced preparing for it.

     First we went over a Google Slides presentation which basically broke down the reading quiz from a fundamental standpoint, showing all the question varieties and what each type consisted of.

Personally, I'm a little anxious for the reading quiz but I'm confident that the methods I've been doing, note-taking and reviewing over the notes along with reading the chapter study guide should leave me well prepared for our first REAL reading quiz tomorrow.

After this, we had time to do one half of a practice question, and I learned several things from that brief but very enriching and mentally stimulating activity. One lesson I learned was that to answer the prompt quickly, you need to start writing quickly. I spent probably a minute and a half just organizing my thoughts, and then when I started typing I definitely felt that pressure which the time constraints provide. By getting your thoughts out onto the paper/text box quicker it allows you to review over your response a bit so that you can make sure that the question was answered well.

Just to summarize today a bit, we didn't really cover much other than information regarding the reading quiz, so if there would be one thing to take away from today it would be to study for the reading quiz.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!

Jack Corrales


  1. I like how you explained how Mr. Profitt broke down the slideshow from a fundamental standpoint - since he explained each type of question on the quiz, I think I am prepared to answer the questions.

    Also, your comment about answering the prompts in time is similar to mine ( because it is hard to come up with an answer right away. I too spent a little too much time thinking, therefore I did not really answer my second question to its entirety.

    Go Cowboys!


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