Day 20 - Reading Quiz Prep

Today in WHAP we prepared for the reading quiz on Friday by going over the ID and HTS argument part(s) of the quiz, we went over some Profitt tips, and we reflected back a little bit on my entry on Emotional(Confucianism) versus logical ruling(legalism) styles.

First, Mr. Profitt mentioned my point in reference to grades, and how they mattered/why we attempt to get good grades. He related and countered my point by saying that emotions, or fear, also propel us in a legalistic system because if someone has a gun to a loved ones head, you will be fearful and thus will comply. This related to what we were talking about because Mr. Profitt was asking why we cared about getting good grades, to which Will Nickols said that he wanted good grades so he could go to a good college. Most of the class agreed with either that or just to avoid the wrath of one's parents, they would get good grades.

After this discussion, we broke down an example response to an SAR from a fundamental standpoint on the board. This didn't take very long, so we then moved onto a powerpoint about the reading quiz. The highlights are that for an ID question, answer the reporter questions (who, what,when,where,how,why), and for the HTS question make sure to make a claim, and then to elaborate. Using trigger words is also an important part of the HTS as well.

We went over 3 Profitt tips in the waning moments of class, and they were

1. [Always be]Be prepared
Image result for boy scout hand symbol
2. Use Margin Review Question to to review
3. Find an example of a term by seeing how Strayer used it.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!


  1. Interesting - in my class, we never got to the Profitt tips, but I will definitely check them out! Also, great picture for the be prepared step.


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