Day 18 - Clicker Quiz...or Not

Today in we asked some questions about the Crash Course, talked about these questions, and then we ended up not taking our clicker quiz today.

First, we got into our table teams and started talking about all our questions, and then Mr. Profitt asked each table to voice one to the class. The first two tables got by pretty quickly, but then when our table and then eventually John Patee's table came around, Mr. Profitt gave longer answers.

Our question was regarding Confucius' teachings and his impact on China. Mr. Profitt answered our question, but then he gave us some food for thought as he mentioned that Confucius' accomplishments may have been exaggerated or the achievements of others may have been attributed to him, so he may not have actually been such a polarizing person. On the top of that, he said that he may not have existed at all.

Then, John asked about what SPQR means and its significance, which started a discussion that ended up lasting until the the end of class, as Mr. Profitt talked about different ruling styles and gave examples. An example would be how a certain society would force the population to do things, even though they believe that people were good at heart, just to make sure that they would do the right thing, like reading Strayer for the sake of knowledge alone. This was a logical approach. We then talked about an emotional approach, which was more like Confucianism, which you can see in the CC.

With that, the bell rang in the middle of Mr. Proffit speaking, and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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