Day 17 - Procrastination

Today in WHAP we talked about our weekly agenda and empires.

First, after going over some less important assignments, we started talking about the test corrections we have (Due Next Monday). It turns out that these test corrections take a little longer than the normal test corrections, which isn't really surprising as this is WHAP we're talking about -_-. While I'm not going to go over all the formatting as it's all over the agenda, but don't wait until the last minute because these corrections are time consuming and difficult to do and prove, and not being able to complete them well will result in no credit.

After this, we drew a map of AfroEurasia. Mr. Profitt, using his excellent drawing skills, drew Africa, a large triangle, and Europe, a blob above the triangle, along with the Mediterranean blob...or sea above. The point of drawing these areas along with South and East Asia was to emphasize the amount of action happening in that area. An example would be how Rome would rely on Egypt for their bread. Rome wasn't really that close to Egypt, but the increase in trade and relations between all these surrounding areas really increased, which was the point of the activity.

Moving forward, we then talked about empires. Mainly we talked about China, and a few of the dynasties. We also took some notes on three major points in the Chapter, which are the answer to question number 2 on the Frayer model. These points are: Regional empire, Axial Age, and regional trade. Regional trade would be what I mentioned about Egypt and Rome, Axial age is the spread of religions, like Buddhism throughout China, and an example of a regional empire is China.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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