Day 15 - Frayer not Strayer

Today in WHAP we talked about a classic topic, periodization, and we started working on a frayer model.

First, when we were talking about periodization, Mr. Profitt used an example of his great-grandmother. He ellaborated how she lived for over 100 years, and how when she was a wee child back in 1903, she had to take a horse and buggy to get to places if she didn't want to walk, and that to get water she would have to draw it out of a well. Then, he said that before her death she was able to receive pictures of her grandchildren on her smartphone. It really is amazing that we were able to go from horse drawn buggies to VR Minecraft in about 100 years. It will be fascinating to see how much the world changes in my lifetime, and I imagine something I wouldn't ever be able to think off, like the smartphone to one born in 1900, will be invented.

After we talked about this, we were handed a little sheet of paper called a Frayer model. It has a few categories or open-ended questions for us to answer. Then Mr. Profitt revolutinized the idea of doing homework by saying that if someone did particularily well on their frayer model, it would be put on his wall of fame. Someday, WHAPpers a few years from now will be reading this and look and up at the wall of fame and see several of my frayer models upon the wall, noticebaly placed higher than Silas'.

We wrote on the back of the chart a bit, writing defining characteristics of the Paleo., Neo, and Urban divisions of time. After that, we discussed the ideas, made sure to write the best ones, and started working on the actualy Frayer model.

Unfortunately, before we had much time to make headwind, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!


  1. Vr Minecraft is truly a modern marvel jack I always look forward to ready your blogs because of these ingenious references keep up the good work


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