Day 13 - The Last Supper Part 2

Today in WHAP we prepared for our essay by going over some organizational methods and looking at how to best emphasize our points.

First, we did the 10 Profitt Tips©. They were

1.) Plan it out. Have the whole essay planned before you walk into the classroom.

2.) Pay attention to the prompt. Hint: Use page 80-88 in Strayer. Remember that social comparison of Mesopotamia and Egypt is off limit so no slavery, patriarchy, etc.

3.) Develop your thesis to answer the prompt and build the roadmap. Hint: Use the "How to create a thesis" document on Moodle.

4.) Contextualization. Stick this in the intro, 4-5 sentences.

5.) Organize your primary arguments.

6.) Organize every body paragraph, meaning make sure you use one piece supporting, one against, and so forth.

7.) Use a topic sentence for every paragraph.

8.) Explain your evidence

9.) Prove that a difference exists before elaborating on it, meaning use your evidence and then elaborate.

10.) Use the samples given for reference.

I'd recommend writing the essay before hand so that when you show up to class it's a lot easier.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!


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