Day 11 - The Last Supper

Today in WHAP, we looked at study techniques for the exam tomorrow and we did some practice questions. 

First, we started off class by Mr.Profitt emphasizing the importance of using the College Board review, which is located on the Moodle page. Then, in order of importance to study, he recommended the Princeton Review, Strayer, and then Crash course and the Freeman review. After emphasizing the importance of using these sources (some not all), we moved on to looking at video which Mr. Profitt made (@cprofittjcpstudents on youtube, you should really check him out), and then we had a light discussion about the AP scores of Jesuit and the scores of students all around the globe. Jesuit did seem to finish a bit better than the global averages. Mr. Profitt also mentioned how every year only one or two students don't pass the AP exam, and that he's never had a class in which everyone has passed. Maybe we'll be the first...

After this, we did some practice multiple choices using the clickers normally used for Clicker quizzes. The questions themselves really weren't that difficult in my opinion, because we had the stimulus. However, the time constraints each question has is what makes them difficult, because I feel like if I had more time I could find the answer. 

After answering a few questions, the bell rang and we were dismissed. I wish you all luck on the test tomorrow!


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