Day 10 - Reading Quiz

Today in WHAP we took our reading quiz.

Before the quiz, we did the usual table team review, which was helpful as usual. Sometime during this, Mr. Profit mentioned how if we were going to miss a test, specifically the one on Friday, to take it tomorrow and not to wait and take it on Monday. His reasoning was that it would be better to get it off your plate and be able to study for the essay over the weekend instead of having to study for both.

After this, we did the class round robin questions. I'd have to say that the round robin questions would have to be my favorite part of AP history, just so I get a little bit more review time.

We took the reading quiz after this, which wasn't too hard but wasn't the easiest quiz I've taken either. With the test looming on Friday, I'll have to start studying today, and I recommend you do the same.

About 10 seconds after we finished our quiz, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!


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