Day 150 - Survey

Today in WHAP we took some surveys.

 We started class off with a survey on how we felt we did on the AP exam, and how we could be better prepared for it in order to help WHAPers next year. I've been hearing you guys about not wanting the scrolling text, but it's also the end of the year and these entries are pretty sparse in information so I'm jazzing them up with effects. The true shame is that I just recently figured out how to do this.

 After that, we did the O-Point survey where we listed the O-points we felt we deserved. Sorry Asher, but looks like you're not getting 100 :D :D :D :D :D :D😝
After that we watched a video on millenials, and how they are weak and ineffective, and essentially trash. Some people had some strong opinions on that topic, but I didn't really. Mr. P is coming tomorrow, so get hyped for that.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


  1. That scrolling emoji really adds some enthusiasm to the blog. Keep it up!


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