Day 149 - Pizza Party

Today in WHAP we had a pizza party.

The delivery man was running late on the delivery, so we didn’t get pizza until later into the period, so we talked about an O-Point project to potentially add points to our grade. After much debate, I had to decline the option, knowing that realistically if I did it I'd probably be losing more sleep then usual (I average 5 hours a night) and probably would end up with a phat 0 points. Just not worth it, this class is the least of my worries right now.

We ate some pizza, cramming the decadent slices into our mouths. It was worth 4$. Thanks Stephen's dad for the hookup.

After this, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


  1. I like the scrolling text - is that the tag on html? Very original... not.

  2. the scrolling text is so bad, and btw how did that chemistry test go?

  3. Please don't use more scrolling text. It is annoying for the reader.


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