Day 145 - The Beginning of the End

Today in WHAP we reviewed for the AP exam. There are 3 days left until the exam.

So first we started off class with the SIS. Nothing to worry about over here Mr. Profitt, but I'd keep your eye on some of the other people in my class.

After that, Mr. Profitt mentioned the WHAP Kahoot! tonight (I discovered that). To sweeten the pot, he stated that if anyone gets first place and has a B, he'll bring them up to an A, and if anyone has an A and gets first, he'll find some way to boost their grade a bit. Also, if you make it on the leader boards (top 5), then you'll get one point added to your grade. Starts at 6 our time tonight, but go check out @FreemanPedia on Twitter around 5:45 so you make sure you don't miss it.

After this, we watched the History of the World I guess, a funny video detailing well... the history of the world.

Here is the link to my YouTube video over Concept 3.2. I'll be honest it's not necessarily full of much humor/personality, but I felt I covered the concept pretty well so if you are confused about it like I was, then maybe give at a watch, like it, comment, and subscribe.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until tomorrow!


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