Day 136 - Decoloniasm

Today in WHAP we talked about decoloniasm.

First, we took a clicker quiz. Well a moodle quiz that would have been a clicker quiz, if the clickers weren't broken @JackCarroll. 

So we started class by talking about how post WWII, empires were essentially done. Basically, they weren't acceptable anymore. They can't express themselves politically by empire building anymore.

We then moved to India. Essentially, the Brits were kicked out through non-violent protests. However, these non-violent protests only extended towards the British, and within India there was a lot of conflict. Hence the meme we saw in class today with the British leaving saying "Good luck...You'll need it!"

Mr. Profitt elaborated on this saying how now the world simply won't allow empires after Europe can't control theirs anymore. Europe, when losing its colonies, sometimes gives their freedom easily but other times they'd make them fight for it. 

Then, we talked about the United Nations. Essentially, other countries don't always do something simply because it's the "right" thing to do. Thus, military force has to be used to force people to do what the other countries consider the "right" thing to do. This related to the discussion because this type of force was kind of how empires stopped.

Anyways, with that the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!


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