Day 131 - Crash Course

Today in WHAP we took a clicker quiz.

We started class off by looking at a gas mask form Silas' grandfather. It looked a little creepy, and honestly I personally doubted the effectiveness of it, meaning I wouldn't want to stake my life upon the mask holding up.

After that, we had a brief table team review. It's important to note that for this last week of tables, we got to pick them ourselves, so I reunited with Matt Owens and John Holloran III and added in Asher Smith '20, someone whom I've never had the good fortune(or misfortune) to sit with this year.

We took the quiz and didn't get the bonus point this time. I would draw the conclusion that people have stopped reading Strayer at this point, as that question was easily the most missed one of them all.

After this, Mr. Profitt announced that Mr. Eppig will be our guest speaker tomorrow during WHAP, covering the subject of communism. Quite frankly, I'm especially interested as no one, not even Mr. Profitt, knows exactly what's gonna go down when he's talking to us tomorrow. As Mr. Profitt said, it has the potential to be really good or really not so good, we just don't know.

There was an issue with numbering on the WHAP posts, but the IT department has been contacted and all internal issues should be solved promptly.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Until Tomorrow!

PS - There are open practices for the bowling team this Wednesday and then next week on Monday and Wednesday as well. You should come hang out if you have some spare time! (Bring 10$ and an open mind)


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