Day 126 - Notes

Today in WHAP we took notes.

So first, we started class off by talking about social democracy (not democratic socialism), which can be summed up by saying reform but don't reject.

Fascism, something that was popular in Italy around WWI, could be described by the terms of militarism, imperialism, and nationalistic viewpoint.

Then, we talked about the New Deal, which was FDR's plan to help the US out of the depression. It involved the Government pouring cash into the economy, accepting that they may temporarily lose money while doing this. Then, when the market is at a high point, they'll make that money back. In this same section, we also learned that Hellen Keller was a big o'l communist. The more ya know...

So Herbert Hoover, the president before FDR wasn't a fan of this investing in the market thing, as he said that eventually the market would return. Sounds like a familiar sports fanbase I know that says "Trust the Process." The only process they'll be following is defeat and shame in their ceaseless tanking.

Anyways, back to Hoover. War veterans who were owed a pension wanted the money immediately during the depression, because they needed the money to survive. Hoover wouldn't give it to them, and actually sent the army after them because they were protesting in DC. Because of this, several veterans were killed in the skirmishing.

After this, class divided into two sections where some people watched a video and some people formulated mock MRQ like questions. Your's truly was apart of the latter, with G-Nags and Cameron.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Tomorrow we've got another one of those reading quizzes so don't forget to study for that. Until Tomorrow!


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