Day 68 - Lecture

Today in WHAP we had a lecture over the 15th century.

We tried what will be a more common method of getting the information across this semester, which was the lecture form. I definitely liked the form, but at the end Mr. Profitt said that whenever he gives these types of lessons people tend to get bored or stop paying attention. Mr. Profitt, if you were looking for any tips on avoiding that happening, I'd suggest perhaps maybe once or twice in the lecture show something like an interesting picture/video/joke that's related to the topic, just to "jazz up" the presentation a bit and get people to start paying attention once that comes up, so they will be paying attention once you start lecturing again, in case they zoned out. Just a suggestion, and like I said, I like this method quite a bit.

We started out by talking about the Muslim Synthesis, or the term for how certain idea from the Arabian world would be passed on to Europe, an example of which would be chess or Arabic numerals. This led into Australian foragers, foragers that did other things then forage such as fire-stick farming, completely different than other foragers before who just...foraged.

We then moved into NW America, where the foragers didn't need to farm due to the lush resources available to them. Mr. Profitt mentioned the Iroquois league, which was like a confederation. The Iroquois were pretty different than the stereotypical definition of a "native american", in that they weren't all "one with nature" and didn't necessarily agree with the stereotypes. This confederation, however, didn't collect taxes and didn't have any sort of army.

We then moved onto the topic of nomadic/pastoralist societies. As we've talked about before, this was the last hurrah for these types of societies due to the necessity for more food that agriculture would provide. We talked about Timur, a leader who in an attempt to draw followers made a fake lineage that traced him to Genghis Khan. He was called Tumur the lame, or Tamerlane, because as a young boy he was shot in the leg with an arrow, leaving him lame. Once he died, the empire on the step collapsed, as the timer for nomadic people ticked down.

With that, the bell rang and we were dismissed. Strayer, CC, and the 4 sentence reflection tonight for HW.

Until Tomorrow!


  1. I like the idea of Mr. Profitt jazzing up the lectures. I would recommend some sort of reference to Civ 6 to keep everyone attentive, or he could get a joke book with 1001 jokes that he could pull out to give everyone a good laugh.


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